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Why is a LOGO so important?

If you haven't noticed, the Logo is the signature of a brand. Even if it should be simple, catchy, smart, and captivating, the process of making a logo is one of the most difficult tasks one can ever undertake for a business. The truth is that a LOGO is the most simple sketch one can make to deliver the most complex brand idea.
It is not a secret that logos work on the subconscious mind as it leverages basic concepts to show the essence of the company. For example, the Amazon logo showcases a smily arrow that starts on the A and finishes on the Z. Isn't that clever? How about the arrow created by the capital E and the lowercase X in FedEx? There are tons of examples we could talk about.

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Business Strategy
Logo Design

Is your strategy working?

Many times we encounter profitable traditional businesses that need to go online either because the traditional edge can't be scaled to continue growing or their competition is playing the online game and ultimately stealing their customers. On the other side, we also know of innumerable online businesses with amazing ideas but have revenue because they have missed a part of the puzzle.
At Katana we analyze the niche of a business, brand, or product and we develop profitable online strategies. Our approach is to help businesses build a funnel, test the customer base, and scale accordingly. We eliminate expensive softwares so the business can be more efficient with their funds.
We get companies in shape.

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Business Strategy
Logo Design


Parameters to create a good brand image are complex and require a professional & objective eye to make it happen. This typically cannot be done alone and it must be applied consistently throughout the entire business to be effective. This is why many focus on fonts and colors as they might be the most evident signs of poor branding. The expression "shoot the messenger" should come to mind. At Katana we seek transparency, uniqueness, and simplicity in our branding projects.
We give your customers no excuse. We give our customers a Sharp, Unique, and Effective Brands

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Business Strategy
Logo Design

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