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1 minute reading time (133 words)

Why should YOU choose Katana?

​You have probably been exposed to many DIY website platforms and now you want to build your own website. Well... unfortunately DIY websites are a money pit: 

  • They start you up with a FREE account but they cover your website with advertisement. 
  • They sell you a basic plan that only takes away the advertisement.
  • They up-sell their services to better fit your "needs" but they underdeliver.
  • They cross-sell services from other overpriced companies
  • You end up spending hundreds of dollars a month

The truth is that many times, a DIY website will not satisfy your needs. when you work with us, you will be asked the right questions so your website has EVERYTHING you need. This will allow you to keep everything inside of the same building.
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7 branding mistakes that will obliterate your busi...

Built by Katana - Forged in JOOMLA!