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  Tuesday, 16 June 2020
  0 Replies
  1.2K Visits
Sell subscriptions and memberships in your Joomla website. Turn your Joomla website into a money making machine by selling subscriptions / memberships.

You can create and manage products with recurring payments — payments that will give you residual revenue you can track and count on.

You can accept recurring payments for your products / services / membership plans easily. You can sell membership plans along with physical products - all with J2Store itself.

Upon successful payment, you can change the usergroup of the customer, thus allowing them to access any special content / items. Example, allow only members of a plan to access certain content of your website.

The app beautifully handles the expiration, notifies the customers before expiry of their membership, handles the renewal automatically. So the customers do not have to manually renew their subscription.

Customers can also cancel the subscription from their subscription history page.
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