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1 minute reading time (152 words)

What is a website?

A website is a group of centrally connected web pages, presented to the viewer in an easily accessible way.  These webpages are all related and can contain text, images and multi-media files.  

All websites enabled through the Internet constitute the World Wide Web (WWW).

The first website was created August 6, 1991, and can be viewed here http://info.cern.ch/

Since then, the World Wide Web has grown exponentially to over 1 billion websites (as of 2014.)  A website leads people to shared information which can be accessed from all over the world.  5.5 billion Google searches are made every day.

3.74 billion people use the internet, and that number is constantly growing.

Websites are platforms to create and promote business, share updates with family and friends, showcase your life's work and to connect with like-minded individuals.  The internet serves as an endless realm of information sharing, allowing people to research and share information quickly.  

Contact Katana Sites for more information on joining the World Wide Web. Get connected.

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